Kevin Matthews

Kevin Matthews

Tune into Kevin Matthews weekday afternoons on 106 WCOD!Full Bio


It's National Men Make Dinner Day, Which Is Just Another Day At My House!

So, today is National Men Make Dinner Day! Now at my house...we actually celebrate this just about every day of the week!

I've never understood the premise that you can't leave men in charge of making dinner or it will be take out every night!

Are you kidding me?! I'm the one who does the most cooking at my house, by far!

My wife usually gets home from work after me every I am the one who picks up the pots, pans & spatulas and gets the job done! Not only that, but I usually ask my wife during her day what she's in the mood for so I can have it ready when she gets home!

Tonight...I'll be cooking Parmesan Chicken with steamed pea pods. Last was a garlic & onion seasoned pork loin with asparagus! Before that...coconut-encrusted baked haddock with steamed broccoli!

And, guess what...we didn't have to call the fire department once Lol!

C'mon, guys...pick up a spoon tonight and show 'em who can kick butt in the kitchen!

Photo: Getty Images

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