It looks like we're one step closer to hearing BINGO screamed on Martha's Vineyard!
Aquinnah's Wampanoag Tribe has found the gaming partner they will team up with to build they're long-planned bingo hall!
And if you're expecting these to be the fun, little games you'd see in a school or church basement...think again!
Serious bingo players take their game seriously! They usually show up with a bag with all of their daubers & good luck charms that they set all around them at their seat...and don't you DARE touch any of their stuff and get your bad luck germs on them!
If one color dauber isn't working well in the first few games...they have different colors ready to make a switch to!
If the bingo caller is going too fast or isn't speaking're likely to hear an uproar from the gallery!
And if you play, you'd better get the lingo down, like:
I 22...two little ducks...(crowd shouts) quack quack quack!
B 4...(crowd shouts) and after!