GROW: for Women Business Owners

WE CAN, Women’s Empowerment through Cape Area Networking, an organization dedicated to helping Cape Cod women achieve lasting positive change for themselves and their families, today announced three new sessions of their Work Support Workshop “GROW: for Women Business Owners.”

GROW (Get Results with Others Wisdom) is WE CAN’s 6-month workshop program that brings women business owners together with an experienced businesswoman to focus on skills and habits that will bring them success.  Accountability and Connection help participants focus on individual business goals and they explore topics like visioning, sales and marketing, financials and pricing.  Sessions will start in Fall 2019 in Harwich and Hyannis and in January 2020 in Sandwich

Interested participants should attend a GROW Info Sessions:

• June 10th, 9-10 am Cape Cod Five, 532 Main St, Harwich Port

• June 25th, 6-7 pm Cape Space, 100 Independence Drive, Hyannis

• July 16th, 5:30-6:30 pm Osterville Village Library, 43 Wianno Ave, Osterville

WE CAN has helped more than 30 Cape women grow their businesses to date. To register for an Info Session, write: or call Marina at 508-430-8111. Application for Fall workshops is due: September 12th, 2019.

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