Dad-To-Be Asks...How Can I Get Out Of Being In The Delivery Room?!

This question has trouble written all over it!

I happened to see this story on the web today about a dad-to-be admitting that he doesn't want to be in the delivery room with his wife when his baby is born! He's trying to ask an advice columnist known as "Mr. Dad", how he can break the news to his wife.

Here's how...DON'T DO IT!

Are you nuts?! This woman is about to go through a boatload of pain and exhaustion to bring into the world your new son or daughter! She went through 9 months of nausea, fatigue and possibly feeling like she was as big as a VW bus to get to this moment!

I don't care how uncomfortable you think it may be...I don't care if you don't like the sight of blood...I don't care if you think she will swear at you and squeeze your hand like its in a vise HAVE to be in there for her!

I know, in the old days, guys got to hang out with their buddies in the waiting room, laughing and joking until the nurse came out to tell them they had a new baby boy and girl. Then it was lots of laughs, hugging and fire up them cigars, fellas!

Well, things are a little different now...and many men have found out that they want to be in "the room" to experience the miracle of the birth of their child. I'm told it creates a stronger bond between dad, mom and the new baby.

Well, I'm no expert...but this is how I would have answered if I was, "Mr. Dad"!

Think about what you'd say, then find out what advice here got...HERE!

Photo: Getty Images

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