This weekend is...Daffodil Weekend on Nantucket!

Nantucket's Daffodil Weekend is here! It's one of the official signs that Mother Nature has released Cape Cod & the Islands from the cold...and finally brought back the sunshine!

This is the Nantucket Chamber's 45th Annual Chamber Daffodil Festival...and there are a bunch of different events happening on the island this Friday, Saturday & Sunday!

It all kicks off the with the Flower Power Party Friday at the Whaling Museum at 6 p.m. Then Saturday is chock full of parades like the Antique Car Parade, the Children's Parade and, my favorite, the Dog Parade!

Plus, if you have an Easter bonnet you'd like to show off, get in on the Daffodil Festival Hat Pageant on Saturday morning!

CLICK HERE for the link to all of the festivities happening throughout the weekend!

Then, get your ferry passes and head on over for some fun! Oh, and if you see the unofficial mayor of Nantucket, WCOD's own, Nina Jackson, make sure you say hi!

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