A big salute to all teachers...on World Teachers Day!

Today is World Teachers Day!

And I wanted to take a quick second to salute and praise all of the great teachers out there who do so much to make our communities better by helping our children develop all of the skills and tools necessary to give them a better future!

The best teachers always leave an indelible imprint on our lives!  There are a handful that always pop into my head when I think about my best teachers!  

So a big hello and thank you to...

  • Mrs. Burger, Sister Loretta & Mrs. LeBlanc at St. Anthony's School in New Bedford
  • Ms. Biden & Ms. Felix at Holy Family-Holy Name in New Bedford
  • Mr. Gonsalves at Holy Family High School in New Bedford
  • Mr. Edmundsen & Mr. Pliskin at New Bedford High School...and all of the other great teachers who helped me along the way!

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